A New Year has begun...and this week on Thursday January 14 at Books & Co. come join us from 6pm - 8pm for an opportunity to network and meet other people who are keen on photography.Whether you are working in the business part-time full-time or would like to this is for you.We are starting a new program that will run for the year on the same day at the same time at the same place ( as long as it is big enough for us)that opens the doors and hopes to draw people together to exchange ideas and learn more about the industry to help you get on your feet.We hope that by coming to the meeting you will learn about the Professional Association we belong to and would consider joining.The first time you come out is for free..we would like to see you join the association at whatever level you decide to continue to come to the meetings.We will have a list of topics to be discussed plus we have a couple of outings planned as well!
Both Bobbi Carpino of Bobbi Carpino Photography and myself will be leading this group so hope to see you there.Come grab a cup of your favorite brew from Cafe Voltaire and pull up a chair with us!