Showing posts with label night class. Show all posts
Showing posts with label night class. Show all posts

January 30, 2018

January - What are you taking up this year? Photography? Knitting? Writing?

Not going to lie, last day of the month nearly and here I am getting down to Writing my Blog
which I always wonder is it being read?

Regardless, I feel it is important to write, to give myself a goal of connecting to you but I don't feel
so connected when I don't hear back from anyone. So IF you read this, please can you send me a
note and tell me? Tell Me what is on your mind that you and I could Solve. Nothing Earth shattering but something doable like learning something you have always wanted to learn or book a photo session with me.

 I have 5 people with me right now who are taking a photography class with me. Yes I am teaching again.  Night Class so they come 2 hours once a week for 6 weeks.  So Here's to THEM who actually signed up paid the bucks and are doing the work of learning their camera. This is the second Basic Class I have taught since Sept. 

There will be the Improving your Photography one next in April open to those who have done the 1st one or have my permission ( by way of a portfolio review/interview). That runs April 12,19,26 May 3,10,17 in the evenings 530 -730pm . Limited sitting so 2 seats gone already. PM at if you want to have a spot or gift one .

I also held an Introduction to Instagram for a couple of artists which was a 5 hour workshop .
I have been asked to hold another follow up one for them so will have to see if I have the time to
slip one in . If you know of anyone else who is in need of learning it please let them know I am here,
It isn't overly difficult but there are some things to figure out before to make it work for you better.

PS I took a writing course last year with Vivien Lougheed and I am looking for one maybe on knitting next!!