Showing posts with label teaching. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teaching. Show all posts

December 31, 2017

The Last Hours of 2017 What are Yout Thinking About ?

photo by chris harris canada
photo by jo blackwell uk

So is it just me or do you feel like oh my i had wanted to get around to doing such and such before the end of the year but didn't? So here it is, a few hours left to at least write one Last Blog and that was on my list!!

This year I have been thankful for still being employed and in this industry. I am happy to say that I still ENJOY and LOVE what I get to do for People in photographing them.

I choose these 2 images to remind myself how it is important to put life in perspective - that we are so tiny and not as Big in the scheme of things as we sometimes find ourselves thinking we are.
Thanks to Chris Harris who took it of me ( yes that little "thing" sticking out on the ground is me - but it could be YOU if you like) when I took a 3 day workshop with him along with 6 others in 100 Milehouse 2 summers ago. The "heart" shape above me really gives me shivers too as we are not alone but a Creator is watching over us and yes I see Hands holding the Heart ( do you?).

The other is from this past fall, when someone I just met in Los Angeles in May, invited me to visit her if I was in England so I did. Jo is another photographer who was taking  a workshop for women over 50 still in photography or starting out in it and wondering how to do it with our Mentor Sue Bryce. We photographed and talked the 48 hours we had together from the moment she and her husband picked me up in Nottingham thru photographing 3 women, from going out to dinner and  into the next morning dashing to the train station (The Pic was taken on the road literally to the train).

 What I learned and wanted to share is I/we are not alone in this journey (as a photographer for me - insert your profession/passion) and that sometimes being honest and sharing the fears one has with someone else just allows it to be a little lighter. There is always time to make things happen if you truly want to work at it. Keeping one's eye on your own story instead of looking at who is doing what is a challenge but I am working on it. I am SO looking forward to 2018 and sharing my next great change in my community of Prince George.

With all this I sincerely wish you all Happiness in 2018 in what ever shape that comes and If I can be apart of making your year please do call . Love to meet you and yes photograph you and those you love.

Dec 31,2017 5:00pm

January 31, 2016

A New Year...The New Adventure Continues Jan 2016

Well our year has begun with a change of location within the walls of our space at 1127 3rd Ave.
Melanie Desjardines is coming upstairs with GROOP GALLERY and I am taking my studio -Philomena Hughes Photography downstairs.
We are always open by a simple phone call but won't be reopening our doors until April 1st ( kind of a play on the fact it will be April Fool's Day and not a joke that we will be open).

Both of us have many endeavors coming up that we are a part of.
TANGLED .. on Feb 5th Tickets are going quickly so cash only at Nancy O's $15 each.
( see you there ps it is my birthday that day too!!)

Feb 13th we will both be at 11 am - 5pm
Northern Lights Estate Winery 
 Northern Lights Winter Wine Festival 
Northern Lights Estate Winery would like to welcome you to a new event that will take place during the “Prince George Winter Festival”.  “The Northern Lights Winter Wine Festival” will be Saturday February 13th, 2016 from 11 am to 5 pm.
This will be our 1st Mulled Wine Contest with Teams participating from The Jim Pattison Broadcast Group, Ohh Chocolate and The City of Prince George just to name a few.  The mulled wine event is a ticketed event costing $20.00  with two time periods to choose, either 12-2 or 2-4, with partial proceeds going to the Railway Museum.
White Goose Bistro will be onsite as well as seven of Prince George’s well known Artisan’s selling their products during the day.

Tickets will be on Sale Feb 2nd at Northern Lights Estate Winery, Ohh Chocolate and the Railway Museum.
Please call 250-564-1112 for more information.

March 28, 2009


Photography as a Business
will be starting up at UNBC on April 15th (previously April 1st was announced).Its a
Continuing Education Program for credit but is open to the general public.If you are
interested in signing up check it out at under continuing education or credit
Looking forward to seeing you there!!