Showing posts with label birthday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birthday. Show all posts

May 25, 2013

Happy 1st Birthday Grace

Grace came to us with her parents a year ago...and back today for her first year portrait...with Grandma and Lucas their family dog! It was a little busy but we got some amazing images.Can't wait to show them.
Have a super Birthday Grace..This was a great idea Mom had to share a cupcake...Lucas Liked that ALOT.

February 20, 2010

2010 OLYMPICS VANCOUVER....a dream come true

To Celebrate my 50th birthday and with my love of the Olympics it was a great chance to combine it all to fly to Vancouver and participate in as much as possible.On the last day I scored a ticket to the Opening Ceremonies which was amazing to witness.The energy was high despite what the events of the day had sadly brought with it.
I also attended two Women's hockey games,speed skating and a Victory Ceremony..which turned out to the be day Alexandre Bilodeau received his Gold for Moguls for Canada!!
▌♣ ▌Go Canada Go ▌♣ ▌