December 31, 2013

                                            Happy to Greet 2014

We are looking forward to this year! All of you who have been "meaning" to contact us- let's make 2014 the year you finally made your dreams come true with a glamorous session.
 We are looking forward to seeing what we can create for you.
                                  Happy New Year !!!

December 10, 2013

HELP PORTRAIT 2013 Prince George

Prince George was one of many many cities in the World on Dec 7th  that put the focus on giving and not Taking. For the 5th year running,makeup artists,hairstylists and photographers in over 67 countries, gave the chance to many people to have their hair and makeup done for free and receive an 8x10 at the end of the day. Analisa Lundstrom of Pinups Punks and Pretty Things Hair Lounge was the real makeup artist that day. I just helped out at the end and that is when the photographer from the Citizen came by! Our local photograhers who put aside time to come out, many thanks to all, but particularly to Peggy and her team from Loxx Academy of Hair Design who really made a HUGE difference in so many  with their brushes and wands -  Bill at WD West Studios who supplied the 51 portraits we gave out and to Starbucks on Central who once again supplied the coffee and to St.Michael's and All Angels Church who gave us the use of their hall for free again.You are all angels .

December 6, 2013

DECEMBER 9th Judy Russell Dance Studio Holiday Fundraiser

You know you will be sorry if you miss it.
The actors & actresses from the Buddy Show are going to rock this event along with you.
If you have seen their show at TNW you know it is going to be amazing.
If you haven't you had the chance to see it ..then you REALLY want to come to this!!