December 31, 2014

Endings and Beginnings.

I want to wish you Happy New Year and wanted to share with you my extended family photo taken on Dec 30th. 
Things don't always go perfectly in taking a family photo..and this time it was with our family pets that stole the show . And that is true in life too eh.

Thank you for all your wonderful support throughout all the years and I so look forward to serving you as your photographer in 2015. 

And for those asking, I was doing this shot on a timer with a 100 mm lens so I had to run like the Dickens to get into the shot so I look a little odd as this was the third attempt at it.

Your Humble Photographer...philomena

December 11, 2014

Modern Love..Video

Lots of fun was had when we created this session for our clients .
So to help you think of what you can give him or her ..we made a little
video for you.
Watch for more videos as we would love to photograph you .
Time to drop a hint a BIG hint by giving a session to the one you love
and that can be for yourself too btw.
Call us at 564-3033
or email
Its less than 2 weeks till Christmas!! Yikes.
Hope we see you in 2015.

December 1, 2014

Give the Gift She/He Really Wants in a GIFT CERTIFICATE

The Festival of Trees...and Studio Fair always are the signs of Christmas in the air for me..but truly we have been working on our Christmas gifts for our clients since August as we have to photograph it first and then work on the orders to have them ready for your Christmas. So if you haven't had that chance you can still ask us to be apart of your Christmas by pre purchasing your Gift Certificate and then let's book you in for your 2015 Session.It can be a updated family session,Glamour ( bring your beautiful outfits/dresses etc) and maybe your daughter/mother for one of these popular sessions.
A Maternity session or Grad Session or a Boudoir Session ( exclusively designed studio for these particularly sessions)  ALL SESSIONS are $385 which include hair ,makeup and photo session.And we also include a second session for you to either share with a friend or use your self in the same year. Yup, hair makeup and photo shoot included.  Merry Christmas.

PS We donated to the SPCA Festival of Trees Tree..for their pet portrait!! Can't wait to meet who that will be !!