Showing posts with label PERSONAL BRANDING. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PERSONAL BRANDING. Show all posts

August 23, 2020

Staying Alive and Well: A Small Business Story of Survival during the Pandemic

Its Been nearly 7 months since my last blog entry- Forgive me.  How are You Doing?

Covid 19,the Pandemic has caused us all worldwide to completely stop how we  lived  our lives. I too stopped my business and went on CERB (I am grateful for it . I reopened in May after implementing the safety measures. Simply opening ones doors doesn't always mean people were ready. I looked at myself and how I was responding to this time and I found that I just couldn't take in alot at first.My whole set of priorities flipped from the excitement of life and  photographing, mentoring & teaching to basic survival, ready to work and the care now of my 89 year old mother who now lives with us (she has dementia so it was the best for her well being) It has presented its challenges but also its rewards of no regret. I have read and heard from many of you how you wished you were able to do the same for your parent and so I appreciate the opportunity to do so.

I too have incorporated into my sessions the "are you ok to be photographed" health inquiry,  along with the cleaning,the hand sanitizers and masks being worn inside our studio.  Our makeup artist Ashley  is back working with me again which is super..I had a half door grate put in to be able to leave the door open for air flow but honestly many sessions are out doors (which when the weather is cooperating  is wonderful).

The classes and mentoring came to a stop completely. I refunded most but have a couple of people who are still seeing if zoom works for them but for now all classes have been cancelled and I have made the difficult decision to completely stop teaching at this time until  Spring 2021 when we will see where we all stand .  I have to say I have invested in my online presence with equipment to make my appearance of these Zooms better so if you feel that is an option  for you to learn I will keep our name on a list.. I also am learning about online streaming which i do for the church i attend 

As to what will happen in the fall and winter months I truly do not know if I will be open in the studio as I feel we will be locked down again so that remains to be determined but with our numbers climbing upward I think the writing is on the wall. I will post again when I know. For now here is my Instagram so you can see what I am up to daily

So for all of you who are seeing the need to have a Stronger on line presence I am here to help with creating a good head shot for you and your business. If you need More to put on your social media we have an answer to that too. If your family is together for what ever reason then getting that family portrait done Now is even more important  as we do not know what the future holds and how long it may be till you are able to be together . For Grandparents celebrating anniversaries and wedding anniversaries I am here. For personal projects you need photographed I am here.  If you know you want to do it for Christmas I am working out side as much as possible between now and say mid Oct the weather has really not been terrific as many as you know but we make the best of it while we can.

On top of my work  I am also taking a Government sponsored program to help small businesses to survive with a 6 week program run through Alacrity Academy with nearly 400 other businesses of all sizes around the province and that in itself has been really inspiring. My goal is to improve my business from what I learn and help others in my community do the same so I am pivoting my business once again for that

So if you have someone that could use some help, pass on my name. I hope to offer a  consulting package (first 30 min are free ) by the Fall and over the winter help them prepare for 2021 and relaunching themselves.

 It has been a delight to run into some of my former students and have a quick check in with them so good to hear you are all doing ok. Seeing my clients also out and about a bit but it is usually a wave from a safe social distance but i so miss you all.

We have a new reality to embrace. Let's make it the best we can. 

The last of the human freedoms: to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way. “When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” Viktor Frankl - Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist, and a Holocaust survivor,


November 12, 2019


Its been way too long since I last blogged but it has really been a busy year so pulling up my socks just before the year ends.

So now that summer is over i have been busy with 2 things. Personal Branding/ if you are looking for a refresh or haven't done one this is your chance to book one with me.

The other is Mentoring and Education. I have been for the past year been teaching  (its been nearly 15 years of this but I took a bit of a break after teaching at UNBC  a few years ago).
I have had 8 people this past year that I have mentored  and was seeing what the response would be and how it would work out with my clients.Happy to say we have all come through and learned a lot . Would I do it again?
Yup, I am going to run it again next year and on Nov.
20th I am hosting an open house to let you see the programs I'll be offering in 2020. From 6 week classes to one day workshops to the full Mentoring Program. So if you are someone that has been thinking about this jump on it as it fills up as seats are limited to 6 per classes. Just let me know if you want to come to the Open House and we can get your name on the list. It is free to come.

So what was I doing before spring? 2 projects with other creatives honestly. Hairstylist Jackie Collyer of Sweet Horizons Sailaica of Pommette Beauty Salon and Bri of Urban Alchemy Jewelry teamed up with 6 women who were all going through the choice of going grey or dabbling in it. We Made a video as well and then went on and did another project with men showcasing their hairstyles. What a lot of great feed back from everyone on both projects. So if you want to see more about those just go to my Instagram page ( philomena_hughes) and go back to spring and see the clips .

Coltan and Fintan Men's Hair Styles Project

February 22, 2019

2019 E D U C A T I O N and M E N T O R S H I P

Well it has been a long time since my last blog ( my apologizes). 2018 was a VERY busy year
but we have now sorted out our new programs and made a commitment to education so 2019 has already seen our plans for M E N T O R S H I P  take off and we have 9 people at various levels
for the entire year working on bettering themselves in photography and we couldn't be happier .
I am starting a wait list for next year so if you are interested send me a message and we can talk.

I have also started several 6 week and less programs so if you have been waiting to learn your camera we have it covered.
Camera Basics has 2 seats left for March 14th start date for 6 Thursdays 630-830pm and another one starting in the fall in Sept and there are 4 seats left in that one.
The second level is Composition Plus and has a fall and a Nov date so again checkout our website for info and give a gift to someone you know loves photography but just needs some help.

I am also offering a Pro D Day workshop next one is April 12th. 99.-- and your child will come back full of knowledge.

You will find a Cellphone and Instagram class as well  so check it out .Great for Bday gifts or just because you know they will appreciate you giving them a gift to improve their love of photography.

See you out there.
Follow me on Instagram  philomena_hughes

Your seat is booked when you put our deposit or full payment down ( e transfer to Check out our website for more info on the classes...and don't put it off again.

December 31, 2017

The Last Hours of 2017 What are Yout Thinking About ?

photo by chris harris canada
photo by jo blackwell uk

So is it just me or do you feel like oh my i had wanted to get around to doing such and such before the end of the year but didn't? So here it is, a few hours left to at least write one Last Blog and that was on my list!!

This year I have been thankful for still being employed and in this industry. I am happy to say that I still ENJOY and LOVE what I get to do for People in photographing them.

I choose these 2 images to remind myself how it is important to put life in perspective - that we are so tiny and not as Big in the scheme of things as we sometimes find ourselves thinking we are.
Thanks to Chris Harris who took it of me ( yes that little "thing" sticking out on the ground is me - but it could be YOU if you like) when I took a 3 day workshop with him along with 6 others in 100 Milehouse 2 summers ago. The "heart" shape above me really gives me shivers too as we are not alone but a Creator is watching over us and yes I see Hands holding the Heart ( do you?).

The other is from this past fall, when someone I just met in Los Angeles in May, invited me to visit her if I was in England so I did. Jo is another photographer who was taking  a workshop for women over 50 still in photography or starting out in it and wondering how to do it with our Mentor Sue Bryce. We photographed and talked the 48 hours we had together from the moment she and her husband picked me up in Nottingham thru photographing 3 women, from going out to dinner and  into the next morning dashing to the train station (The Pic was taken on the road literally to the train).

 What I learned and wanted to share is I/we are not alone in this journey (as a photographer for me - insert your profession/passion) and that sometimes being honest and sharing the fears one has with someone else just allows it to be a little lighter. There is always time to make things happen if you truly want to work at it. Keeping one's eye on your own story instead of looking at who is doing what is a challenge but I am working on it. I am SO looking forward to 2018 and sharing my next great change in my community of Prince George.

With all this I sincerely wish you all Happiness in 2018 in what ever shape that comes and If I can be apart of making your year please do call . Love to meet you and yes photograph you and those you love.

Dec 31,2017 5:00pm

April 20, 2017


Now if You saw my video on Instagram or my Facebook you will know  I said to come here for something.

 If you Book & Prepay  during  the HOME BUILDERS HOME SHOW you will get $100 off our Fee and  an extra digital Personal Branding Image! 

  BUT MUST  Prepay during the HOME SHOW Weekend
( send me an E transfer  up and until SUNDAY 4pm only)
and receive it for the  $100 off the regular fee!! A BONUS TO THE BONUS!!

 That will mean  you will get an additional digital file Retouched and ready to go into your LinkedIn/Website/Business Card/Advertising/Facebook/Twitter /Instagram.

S0.................. Total for Women will be 504.00 ( 450 plus taxes ) GET 3 DIGITAL FILES
                        Total for Men  will be 392.00 ( 350 plus taxes)     GET 2 DIGITAL FILES

  If you book after it goes back to our New Regular Fee ( see below), so if you need to do it, why not take advantage of the offer. It will be another year till we offer it at that low price.

(Our  Regular Personal Branding Package is 550 for Ladies  and 450 for Men
                                                            ( Plus taxes 616/ 504 respectively)
 Both includes hair and makeup for Ladies with a professional Hair  Salons ( ie Shine/Razors Edge)
 Shave and Haircut for Men
2 Retouched Digital files of your choice
3 Outfits included 45min photo session
Additional files are available at $100 each)*

*Business Consult 15 min consult to go over your company needs and what to wear for your shoot.

 I have really been interested in business and how much social media plays into the marketing aspects of it. I have been teaching Instagram to small business and medium business owners as well as taking Personal Branding Images of them for their Social Media uses. I met Robert Quibel about a year ago and starting  on Business Marketing Program . You Might know him as he completed his MBA here at UNBC and is now riding around on the back of a bus in an advertising that is!!

Robert and his team are VORTEX Social Marketing and this weekend will be at 2017 HOME BUILDERS HOME SHOW. We have a booth promoting Social Media business and I have teamed up with him and will be doing some Live Facebook Feeds. Check us out if you want to learn more about Social Media. I work with his team doing Social Marketing Strategies and Branding Images.
  1. What is Social Media?
  2. Do I Need it?
  3. How do I learn more about it?