Showing posts with label babies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label babies. Show all posts

December 24, 2012

Happy portrait session with a twist

and this past weekend we were at the university to photograph 20 people 10 under the age of  5!
They were marvelous.We did this as a fun one on the steps. Happy Holidays to all our clients
of  past present and of course the future ones too!!

July 9, 2012

Miss Maddie

Oh lovely lovely newborns for the last few sessions have been a delight to work with.
This family had their Moms visiting from overseas so Definitely had to capture that
historical moment.Ok Maddie slept through it but she'll appreciate it later in life!

October 21, 2010

New Looks,Products & Service!!

Thought you might like to know we are bringing in some new products and revamping our studio as well as offering a new
We will be showcasing our new products over the new few
weeks so if you are interested in a family, child, maternity or
newborn session we can discuss it then.
First up is our new Block Art Pieces! Images are laminated and are mounted on wood with a variety of finishes. Try something new!

April 8, 2010


SPRING IS IN THE AIR...and so its time once again for The BAY to host their BABY GALA
April 15th 2010 from 6- 9pm
Have to pick up tickets though for $10 at the Rewards Counter
(upstairs Customer Service desk)
$8 is redeemable on your purchases that night and $2 goes to
the Pediatrics everyone wins!
Philomena Hughes Photography (me) will be there too with baby pics and Ideas . Expecting or a new parent ( or grandma/pa to be??) come on out..and save big! We will be running a special there
as well! and its ONLY available with BABY GALA

October 15, 2009

October News... Images win at Digital Competition

At the beginning of the month we had a Digital Competition here in Prince George. We had a large number of enteries (82) I had 4 images hang and two receive trophies.I want to thank all the babies and their parents who are apart of a Pediatric Project I am currently working on to display photography of children on the 2nd floor of (Peds) at our local hospital,the Prince George Regional Hospital. This image of these cuties, titled "Bummed", won the hearts of the judges for the Wally West Portrait Trophy. This was the first time I have received this award. The " Fluid Fields" image won the Pictorial Trophy named for Haida Saefkow who was a pioneer photographer in Smithers.It was a trophy I had received before so it was lovely to get it back again.In the new year this will be available as a canvas for sale.

May 25, 2009


May 25th
Regina Saskatchewan
News from the National Professional Photographers of Canada Print and Digital Salon Competition.

These two images were accepted so thanks so much to my wonderful clients Toni and Brian and their dog & old truck to make this image a couple summers ago.

Kim and Krista came to me to make an image for their Mom of their children.Both of them had twins and yes we took this image at one time - no digital magically things happened in the taking of this image.
(that all happened afterwards)
The girls have the pink on are Kim's and the boys are Krista's.