Showing posts with label instagram philomena hughes photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label instagram philomena hughes photography. Show all posts

November 12, 2019


Its been way too long since I last blogged but it has really been a busy year so pulling up my socks just before the year ends.

So now that summer is over i have been busy with 2 things. Personal Branding/ if you are looking for a refresh or haven't done one this is your chance to book one with me.

The other is Mentoring and Education. I have been for the past year been teaching  (its been nearly 15 years of this but I took a bit of a break after teaching at UNBC  a few years ago).
I have had 8 people this past year that I have mentored  and was seeing what the response would be and how it would work out with my clients.Happy to say we have all come through and learned a lot . Would I do it again?
Yup, I am going to run it again next year and on Nov.
20th I am hosting an open house to let you see the programs I'll be offering in 2020. From 6 week classes to one day workshops to the full Mentoring Program. So if you are someone that has been thinking about this jump on it as it fills up as seats are limited to 6 per classes. Just let me know if you want to come to the Open House and we can get your name on the list. It is free to come.

So what was I doing before spring? 2 projects with other creatives honestly. Hairstylist Jackie Collyer of Sweet Horizons Sailaica of Pommette Beauty Salon and Bri of Urban Alchemy Jewelry teamed up with 6 women who were all going through the choice of going grey or dabbling in it. We Made a video as well and then went on and did another project with men showcasing their hairstyles. What a lot of great feed back from everyone on both projects. So if you want to see more about those just go to my Instagram page ( philomena_hughes) and go back to spring and see the clips .

Coltan and Fintan Men's Hair Styles Project

February 22, 2019

2019 E D U C A T I O N and M E N T O R S H I P

Well it has been a long time since my last blog ( my apologizes). 2018 was a VERY busy year
but we have now sorted out our new programs and made a commitment to education so 2019 has already seen our plans for M E N T O R S H I P  take off and we have 9 people at various levels
for the entire year working on bettering themselves in photography and we couldn't be happier .
I am starting a wait list for next year so if you are interested send me a message and we can talk.

I have also started several 6 week and less programs so if you have been waiting to learn your camera we have it covered.
Camera Basics has 2 seats left for March 14th start date for 6 Thursdays 630-830pm and another one starting in the fall in Sept and there are 4 seats left in that one.
The second level is Composition Plus and has a fall and a Nov date so again checkout our website for info and give a gift to someone you know loves photography but just needs some help.

I am also offering a Pro D Day workshop next one is April 12th. 99.-- and your child will come back full of knowledge.

You will find a Cellphone and Instagram class as well  so check it out .Great for Bday gifts or just because you know they will appreciate you giving them a gift to improve their love of photography.

See you out there.
Follow me on Instagram  philomena_hughes

Your seat is booked when you put our deposit or full payment down ( e transfer to Check out our website for more info on the classes...and don't put it off again.

May 31, 2018

Family Portraits They Can Be Fun

As i grew up the idea of getting our family portrait "done" loomed over us every few years
and honestly I don't know why people have such an aversion to them. Certainly in my day, it was such a formal event but here we are now in 2018 and the style of family portraits has definitely changed .
Clothing and photo styles? Funky clothing,unusual locations and less formal studio setups,more relaxed "poses",bringing in our wild and crazy pets ( a must in my opinion) but most importantly the "feeling of connecting" with real expression.

Recently the Mayor Lyn Hall and his wife Lorrelle and daughters and beau  along with Arlo the adorable mini Aussie (who stole the show). We were doing a formal Portrait for the Mayoral B&W Ball,  but the for the family, we wanted a lighter side so these are some of the ones we created for them.

Maybe its your first family photo shoot or its been a few years,let us help make it a fun process as we know how to make it enjoyable.

Exist in your photos as waiting to be the "exact" person you want to be can go on for years and your families will change and sometimes it just doesn't get done.

Give us a call and let's talk at least about it and start booking a date and soon you  will be looking at your proofs ordering the images for your home and sitting back and looking at them over and over saying " I am so happy we finally got it together and had them taken, it was alot of fun to do , what were we so afraid of?"

March 27, 2018

Prince George Citizen

The Local Paper - The Citizen, called and asked for an interview
as they heard about the article  published in The Lancet.

 I also have to mention that Allan from CFIS-FM had called me as well for a radio interview  on the same subject.

" How did a photographer from Prince George BC Canada get the job of photographing for the Prestigious Medical Journal The LANCET?" You will have to read the article to know that answer!
Or read my previous Post on my Blog!

The article is about me essentially, these were the 2 images that were chosen to accompany the article.
 I was thrilled to see Megan Hunt and Earl Henderson taking up the majority of the page. LOVE the image of Megan and to bring attention to both what  she and others do for so so many deserves the focus.  Thanks so much to the Citizen and their new writer - Stuart Neatby for writing it. Stuart is new to Prince George so watch out as he was an excellent listener.

Now as a followup to all this you see that there is a call for Nominations  for Healthier You also in the Citizen Newspaper? Its right there beside the photo of Earl.
It turns out that a couple of people from the articles were Nominated including Dr Nadine Caron and Myself!  We all have no idea who put our name up for nomination but we thank you who ever you are. The chance to bring more attention to what good work is being done here is most appreciated!!
So on April 6th we will be attending the Awards Night presented by PG Citizen. Good luck to all nominees and  I will follow up and let you know how that turns out!

‘Reprinted from The Lancet,, Palmer, Picturing health: health advocates for Indigenous communities in British Columbia, Canada, Copyright (2018), with permission from Elsevie

February 28, 2018

Photography, The Lancet and Instagram

 As a portrait photographer every once in a while you actually get an opportunity that you can not believe comes your way. For Me it was in January when a past client recommended me to work on a project that was looking for a photographer to document the focus on Indigenous Health and Wellness in Northern BC. Honestly at first when the people at The Lancet (a prestigious Medical Journal in Oxford England) looked at my website to see if I was a fit for them there was doubt. So I asked them to check my Instagram thread and with that I was offered the job of producing 10 images to show case Indigenous Peoples who are working within the medical  system as physicians,social workers,elders to help improve  health and wellness.
There was alot of coordinating of schedules in a short amount of time as we had to get everyone to answer 3 questions about their job and for me to figure out from those answers where was the best place to take those images. Thanks to Nadine Caron and her husband and daughter (and yes the family dog!)  for the fun shoot we did for the Lancet. Nadine and Patrick are both physicians who I met when their daughter was a baby and came to me for a newborn session. Nadine was the one who put my name forward to the people at the Lancet and I am so grateful that it meant we got to work together again.

Here is the link to the article and photos

: ‘Reprinted from The Lancet,, Palmer, Picturing health: health advocates for Indigenous communities in British Columbia, Canada, Copyright (2018), with permission from Elsevier’

October 21, 2017

Teaching Photography and In Studio Fair Nov 3 -5th

My Apologizes as I slipped from posting. No excuses.

But here it is October and we are back from traveling and working with
so many clients from before our trip.( If you are curious do check out my Instagram Feed
under )
I was in Amsterdam Underground ( England ) and all Around

  I do have room for only have time for a few more  portrait sessions
before the end of the year and for us that will be Dec 1st this year as we have
alot going on so do call me if it is something you really want to do.

Our pricing has recently changed as well to offer an even more archival product .
We just love it. It is more but You are worth it.

We are going to be participating at STUDIO FAIR  with several other artisans upstairs
of the Regular Show Downstairs. We will be sell a few art cards and our services
as a portrait studio so if you are looking for a lovely gift of a family portrait sessions
you can pick that up from us there.

I have also begun teaching again!! Yes Took a few years off but we began already in Sept
with smaller class sizes so that I can give more personal attention to those who come out.
They are offered through me ( as I used to teach at the UNBC Continuing Ed Program ).
To check what we teach please see the tab PHOTOGRAPHY Courses on our WEBSITE!/PHOTOGRAPHY_Courses

Those classes will also be available to book at STUDIO FAIR too.Sizes are limited so make sure
it works for you and pay your deposit and the SEAT is yours.

See you out there!!

November 1, 2016

Studio Fair Celebrates 40 Years but we need your support (please)

 I LOVE the Arts. I Support the Arts.I really Do.
I have been working on this project for nearly as long as the 
Fire men's Calendar
This one is Their Biggest Fundraiser - Studio 2880.
 It's this weekend Nov 4,5 and 6th. 
But STUDIO 2880 is a Non Profit organization and so The 40th Annual Studio 2880 Fair is run by the Prince George Community Arts Council ( Studio 2880 is under their umbrella).
 So when you come to the Fair you will be asked to support us by purchasing a button for $2  or a  50/50 tickets for $5 or to check out the  INVESTLOCALBC campaign that you can donate to online or at Studio Fair or at the Gift Shop on 15th Ave ( Studio 2280). Please consider one or all of these to show that You Too Love and Support the Arts. Funds are being used to help keep the aging building updated and to keep programs running as grants don't always come in.
Many artists have donated pieces of art/service and when you donate at certain levels you  will then have the option to get the perk( art/service)  You can also just donate and not claim a perk. Its Up to you . Its really up to all of us to keep the services going here in our community. Hope we see you there. I will be upstairs as well selling mini cards for the holidays and Firemen Calendars!!

October 14, 2016

OCT 22nd LAUNCH OF PG FireFighters Calendar.Get Yours First

FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM pgfirecharitable for behind the scenes videos to watch videos.
Since the early spring some of the Prince George Firefighters have been preparing themselves for the 2017 Calendar featuring them in the traditional style of Firefighters around the world to raise funds.
We photographed them in various places around Prince George and area so lots of  fun which resulted in great images.

The Fund raising is for the Burn Unit that was built this past spring in Vancouver for all residents of British Columbia in need. Prince George Firefighters pledged $100,000 to be raised and have been doing various fundraising activities to see that promised fulfilled. So we want to see us run out of them!

The Launch and Release of the Calendars will be Saturday Oct 22 at the Prince George Golf and Curling Club Restaurant called Fore Bistro at 6:30pm till 9pm. There is a DJ and a cash bar. So grab some friends and come down and support these guys. They heard you  and have made a calendar that YOU want to see and own. Buy a couple extra for Christmas gifts too!

April 10, 2015

Spring Has Sprung 2015 Thursday April 16th

  Yeah, finally - SPRING HAS SPRUNG and I delighted to be the host for this event again. If you are interested in joining us you are most welcome but we do have a limited number of seats available. So phone Philomena Hughes Photography at 564-3033 before April 15th to make sure you are coming. Erin from Dandy Lines  and Laura from Qurvy Queen, Marie of The Painted Shed and Denise with The Movement and Melissa of Wilda Moon will all be here to tell you about their businesses and will be giving you a chance to win one of their door prizes. This is such a popular way to kick off the Spring to see our Photography Studio and yes I will be speaking  as well. This is mainly a women's only networking event. So don't miss out on this and come have  a little sushi and a glass of wine and bring a friend. It is lots of fun.

May 14, 2014

BCSPCA NEWS MAY Update: Hudson Got a Home

So this is Hudson who we photographed for the local SPCA Fundraiser  "Dog Days of Summer Gala". We also had his photograph up on the SPCA Website and this portrait at the Gala
 Well, Hudson's story has a super happy story as he was adopted just from his photo on line with the SPCA to a family in Vancouver!
 They loved him just from this image. Sure shows the power of capturing a personality.

We have teamed up with the SPCA to photographing their "needy" to share them with all of watch out for updates. You can follow us on facebook at philomena hughes photography or the SPCA facebook page 

So Meet "Lou" who is also in need of his home that we also photographed for the Gala and is still looking for his home.He has a couple of interested parties but still waiting to forward his address out!
So  head to the SPCA website for more info on this gorgeous guy  at
                                                            LOU  needs YOU

March 3, 2014

2014 is the Year we want to see You.

                                                                       2 0 1 4 

I can't believe it is March and I haven't actually put a new blog up so My apologizes.

I have been busy and here are some of the women I have been working with and I thought you would like to see their before and afters.The lady at the top had her hair and makeup done with Razors Edge
while the other three all went to Salon Spice and you can see for yourself how beautiful they all are.

And yes, certainly having your hair and makeup and the clothing makes a difference. But what I see is beyond that.It is the confidence in themselves and their real beauty shines through. And get this, three of these ladies have not even seen their images yet at the time of writing this today!! Thank you for giving your permission all of you to put these up and share your images with other women.It is through you that others believe that they too can have an image that truly truly reveals the beauty I see in all of you ( and now I hope you believe too!)