June 17, 2015

Thinking of You Dads!!

I have been always so impressed with the men who have come into my studio for these sessions with their newborn children. We have plans but babies do too...and they don't always align. Unless we wait and be patient as did this wonderful (experienced) father. To all you Fathers Old, New and those to be...I wish you all the best throughout the year but know that this Sunday we salute each of you.   These are the raw images directly out of the camera. Enjoy your day. Maybe one day we will meet and we can see what kind of an image we can create with you! Thanks Michael.

June 2, 2015

Knock Knock, Guess Who?

Totally Did NOT expect to see these guys at my door today. I did check to see if there was a fire behind me that I was not aware of ( just kidding). Theses are some of the guys I worked on the Fireman's Calendar Project last year as a fundraiser for the  Burn Unit In the Lower Mainland for all residents of BC. They dropped by to bring me a gift of the framed signed cover of the calendar to say thank you . Quite the surprise to say the least.  They said it made them about 13,000 so thank you to all who supported them. They have a book coming out soon for another fundraiser so watch out for that. Can't wait to see what the next project will be !!! Stay tuned.