November 24, 2016

5100 Instagram Post

Tonight I am posting my 5100 Instagram photo and I saved this image for that very Post.
These are some of the people who have supported me by making me "their" photographer over this year and several more than once. I have to say a heartfelt thank you to each of them ( and to other yes so please forgive me as i only had a 9 block to fill). You are the reason I am still in business and honestly if it weren't for people like you who hire professional photographers we would not be able to stay in business.Thank you for recognizing how valuable YOU are to Hire a Professional. I am delighted to be in this community as a photographer for 27 years. If I haven't seen you yet,give me a call as I don't think it will be another 27 years !

November 1, 2016

Studio Fair Celebrates 40 Years but we need your support (please)

 I LOVE the Arts. I Support the Arts.I really Do.
I have been working on this project for nearly as long as the 
Fire men's Calendar
This one is Their Biggest Fundraiser - Studio 2880.
 It's this weekend Nov 4,5 and 6th. 
But STUDIO 2880 is a Non Profit organization and so The 40th Annual Studio 2880 Fair is run by the Prince George Community Arts Council ( Studio 2880 is under their umbrella).
 So when you come to the Fair you will be asked to support us by purchasing a button for $2  or a  50/50 tickets for $5 or to check out the  INVESTLOCALBC campaign that you can donate to online or at Studio Fair or at the Gift Shop on 15th Ave ( Studio 2280). Please consider one or all of these to show that You Too Love and Support the Arts. Funds are being used to help keep the aging building updated and to keep programs running as grants don't always come in.
Many artists have donated pieces of art/service and when you donate at certain levels you  will then have the option to get the perk( art/service)  You can also just donate and not claim a perk. Its Up to you . Its really up to all of us to keep the services going here in our community. Hope we see you there. I will be upstairs as well selling mini cards for the holidays and Firemen Calendars!!