Our Imagequest 2012 was alot of work for many of us but it surely paid off to see old friends and make new ones.Our speakers were so inspiring. Storey Wilkins and David Anthony Williams from Toronto,Chuck Arlund from Kansas City,USA ,Wendell Phillips from Vancouver and Gina Yesnik from Saskatoon,Sask.gave us solid tips,ideas and inspiration.
Running simultaneously were the people running the 67th Salon Print Show. Many people put countless hours into preparing the show,judging results then the actual Salon Awards Presentation. A dinner to celebrate together with our peers and talented photographers was followed by dancing to the sounds of one of our Vancouver photographer's band "Since When".
I had only one image accepted but it just shows you the "power of one"! It won for Best Press.
Debbie Malm was for Best Child and Tina Cyr was a finalist for Photographer of the Year,which went to Chester Gossen of Vancouver.
The North continues to rock