December 2, 2009

November on Mayan Riveria

My parnter,daughter and I attended as guests(no I was not their photographer,just can't stop the photograher in me) to a wonderful location destination wedding on the Mayan Riveria in Cancun .We turned it into a mini holiday ( not so difficult to do) and not
only enjoyed all the guests and events of the wedding but the wonderful heritage of the Mayan.
If you are considering this kind of a advised that you will never know how many will attend..but with the start of winter in our city and 32 degrees in can bet it will be high as it was in this case with 40 people at least from my city alone!!

October 27, 2009

Peds Project Progressing

The ongoing project for the Pediatric Floor of Prince George Regional Hospital keeps me hopping! On Monday Oct 26th we had 8 children from age 2 - 4 and 6 of them were twins!!
So a tad busy but we did get some fun images.This one was made by merging 3 images together.
Thanks to all the kids and parents for coming out!!
We are still working on the files and deciding which ones go in and if we have to do a reshoot with a few children.I love what we have.Last session is one with teenagers next!!

October 21, 2009

First Woman Bishop in BC Oct 18,2009

The Anglican Church in BC becomes a leader with the Consecration and Installation of Barbara Andrews as Bishop of the Anglican Parishes of the Central Interior. She is the 6th woman Bishop in Canada but a first for British Columbia. On Sunday Oct 18th at 4pm, St.Paul's Cathedral in Kamloops was filled with family,friends,clergy,bishops and Archbishops to celebrate this historical event. I covered the events leading up and throughout for Bishop Barbara.What an honour this has been for advocate of women as priests since I was 16!! Bishop Barbara will be in our city in November!

October 15, 2009

October News... Images win at Digital Competition

At the beginning of the month we had a Digital Competition here in Prince George. We had a large number of enteries (82) I had 4 images hang and two receive trophies.I want to thank all the babies and their parents who are apart of a Pediatric Project I am currently working on to display photography of children on the 2nd floor of (Peds) at our local hospital,the Prince George Regional Hospital. This image of these cuties, titled "Bummed", won the hearts of the judges for the Wally West Portrait Trophy. This was the first time I have received this award. The " Fluid Fields" image won the Pictorial Trophy named for Haida Saefkow who was a pioneer photographer in Smithers.It was a trophy I had received before so it was lovely to get it back again.In the new year this will be available as a canvas for sale.

September 25, 2009

Months later...a newborn

In the spring our homeshow winners came to our studio for a Maternity session and then of course ..came the answer to the question and the answer is thought it would be nice to see her.She came in at just two weeks. Congratulations to Bernadete and Greg.
Born June 23 2009
Session Date: July 6th 2009

July 21, 2009

Beautiful British Columbia - Holidays

June I don't remember much of like many of us with the ending of School

and oh so much more.But July I do as I am holidays.First to a family reunion

on the island celebrating my parents 50th Anniversary & another Reunion of friends in Osoyoos Now up in Kelowna,

where fires have been playing havoc.Smoke filled days have now been replaced

with cleaner air.It has been scorching with temperatures in Osoyoos at 42 one

day.Winds have been a blessing to cool us by but alternately fanned the flames.

So good to rejuvenate one's self and reconnect with all.

PHOTOS; top: July 22 midnight Terrace Mountain Fire from the Apple Orchard Kelowna

2nd:Casa Del Mel view,Our friend Mel,now a retiree with an orchard farm in Osoyoos

3rd: the Kelowna Sky line from the Apple Orchard RV Park July 20th 930pm

4th: Osoyoos from the route to Kelowna as fires blocked 97. July 20th 3.30pm

5th: Kelowna Sky line again in the morning July 21th at 530 am.

May 25, 2009


May 25th
Regina Saskatchewan
News from the National Professional Photographers of Canada Print and Digital Salon Competition.

These two images were accepted so thanks so much to my wonderful clients Toni and Brian and their dog & old truck to make this image a couple summers ago.

Kim and Krista came to me to make an image for their Mom of their children.Both of them had twins and yes we took this image at one time - no digital magically things happened in the taking of this image.
(that all happened afterwards)
The girls have the pink on are Kim's and the boys are Krista's.